Episode 79: Saint Ken “El Bastardo” McElroy
In this episode of the D.U.S.E. Eli retells the life and times of a man so great that he might actually have been a saint. Saint Ken? Saint Redneck? Whatever the case may be, he fits the definition of a Christian saint. I mean after all, he did have multiple child brides, he was the […]
Episode 78: Cryptids: Wish I Had A Sweater
In this episode Eli and Mel sit back and relax along a very nice and totally not polluted river bank in West Virginia when suddenly a giant two-headed monstrosity breaches the water’s surface and drags Mel off to its den for a midnight snack. Does Eli bother to go looking for her corpse? Not a […]
Episode 77: The Adventures of Guy Ballard Part III: My Cat’s Nipples
In this amazing installment of The Adventures of Guy Ballard, Mel confesses her fascination with feline anatomy, but can you really blame her? Especially when the episode covers a cult leader who totally wasn’t having gay adventures in the woods of Mount Shasta with strange men while his wife thinks he’s communing with “God” or […]