In this episode Eli and Mel bring you the sequel to the “Daughter of Slaughter”. If you think going to work with a fever is hard, try getting away with murder while so hopped up on Mother Morphine that you don’t even know what state you’re in. The conclusion of Lizzie Borden has everything you need: hot Irish lesbian maids, drugs, murder, bumbling investigators and terrible prosecutors, drugs, a mayor who doesn’t understand what the word “suspect” means, the media being the media, drugs, a sister who knows to keep her mouth shut when you’re burning evidence, even more drugs, a lawyer who has the balls to put an ax into two skulls in front of the entire court and a jury so blind they couldn’t see the fresh blood still on her dress. Or was that period blood? The proof is in the pudding, women get preferential treatment, and you too can have your house turned into a bed-and-breakfast if you murder your parents. All of this and more in….Lizzie Borden Part II.
Lizzie Borden Part 2
Music credit
Originally aired January 9, 2023