Greetings travelers!
We just got finished recording a special episode for our 2nd anniversary. It’s especially dark, a story that Elijah has wanted to cover since before we started Deliver Us Some Evil. He’s a surprisingly patient man. He waited for the show to mature, and for me to be able to handle the darkness. I’m glad he did.
When he first talked about wanting to record a true-crime podcast I was an instant supporter. He’s passionate about the topic, knows how to research just enough detail, and has a keen interest in human nature. What I was unprepared for was the invitation to join him. I assumed he’d want someone just as enthusiastic about serial killers, conspiracies, aliens, esotericism, ghosts, goblins, and whatever the heck a cryptid was.
That person was certainly not me!
I resisted for weeks even as I was helping him spec out equipment. In fact, if you listen to our earliest episodes you might be able to detect my mixed emotions and (frankly) my lack of serious commitment. It was a lark for me, something I’d give my attention to once a week but couldn’t allow to overshadow my other responsibilities which were growing by leaps and bounds at the same time.
Boy was I wrong…
The last two years have been a crash course in how to burn the candle at both ends, find a few more ends and burn those too. The podcast has risen to the top of those responsibilities. It’s a commitment, a creative outlet, a performance, a tool for understanding the world, and a platform for speaking the truth. I’ve grown along with it. It’s been difficult, painful, confusing, rewarding, and ultimately one of the most satisfying endeavors of an otherwise aimless life.
I’m here for the long haul. So is Elijah. We’re committed to learning how to produce a more professional show, investing in upgraded equipment, and figuring out how to make the show profitable. One scary step at a time.
So let me take this second anniversary to thank you for being a part of that process. We wouldn’t be here without listeners like you. We’re humble enough to laugh at our mistakes, and invite you to laugh along with us. Life’s too short and too hard to do otherwise.
Here’s to another year of delivering the finest of evil.