Another episode in our “Summer of Probing” series down the drain! In this episode Eli shares his conviction that the CIA is responsible for the “static” in his brain after they implanted a defective chip in his noggin. Or is it all the evil in there clawing its way out? Pick your poison! In the meantime, he educates Mel on the bloodiest conflict in American history — and no, it’s not the Civil War — goblin people who play deadly pranks, UFO’s, magnetic interferences and funky gravity, a wampum belt that went missing, giants that used to wade in Hockomock swamp, suicide rocks, a mental hospital haunted by a mysterious demonic serial killer, and how Bigfoot might be a homophobic evangelical racist. So, beware… If you decide to vacation at Falls River State Forest in Massachusetts, you too can feel the…Static In My Head!
The Bridgewater Triangle Part I: Static in My Head
The Bridgewater Triangle Part II: Smorgasbord is Morgasbord
Music credit coming soon!
Originally aired June 17, 2024