Have you ever felt like the government was watching you? Like, no matter where you are, they’re just around the corner listening to your every word? Well those of us at The D.U.S.E. are here to tell you that all those years of paranoia were absolutely warranted! In this episode Eli explains how the CIA has been using video games to train, recruit, and brainwash the American people. Honestly it’s so obvious he didn’t think he needed to explain it. He also discusses the Console Wars, the restructuring of the military, the she-demon Kathleen Kennedy, the use of military assets in media, why the hell Call of Duty is going more and more into urban warfare on American soil, and how video games may have played a role in Project MK Ultra, proving once and for all that arcade games that mysteriously appear and disappear might actually be real, just like…Polybius!
Operation Mockingbird: A Lot of Confused People Out There
Operation Mockingbird: Herbert Marcuse
Operation Mockingbird: Polybius
Music credit coming soon!
Originally aired September 9, 2024