All one-hundred and thirty-seven episodes of The DUSE are now up on the blog! It was quite a project in between working full-time and the billion other demands on my time. There’s still a lot of work to be done, WordPress tricks to learn, good habits to get into (I never want to get behind on new episodes), and slightly less than a billion podcast related tasks left to do — specing out new gear, researching Patreon and merch, approaching potential affiliates, writing blog material, adding music credits and tags, and carefully poking the bear known as Elijah Newton into drawing more art pieces for the site — but for now I’m breathing a sigh of relief.
The show that began as a lark (well, for me anyway) evolved into a labor of love. Now it’s finally growing up. Our audience size, followers, and plays per episode are a reflection of our expanding listener base, and we’re paying attention. Our next goal is for the podcast to pay for itself as we become more professional as hosts. That means finding ways to bring in a little cash so we can leverage the show into independent hosting. We’re working on it. And we appreciate every stream, download, follow, like, comment, social media nod, and recommendation from our loyal listeners.
Thank you, for all of that.
It can be a difficult path, earning a living in the decaying West. Having the opportunity to create and nurture a show as unique as The DUSE gives my spirit a lift. It means more to myself and Elijah than you can ever know.
So listen on, spread the word, and make sure you’re nurturing your own creative enterprises. Art, nature, family. Sustain them and they’ll sustain you.
And kitties. How could I forget kitties? So I present to you on a lighthearted note, Prisoner 42816, otherwise known as Garbage. Rub the belly at your own risk…